The Great AI Debate: BlueWillow vs. Leonardo

Saugata Dastider
7 min readMay 2, 2023

A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human-Alan Turing

Robot Mimicking Reading a Book


As a content creator, I rely heavily on AI (Artificial Intelligence) text-to-image creator tools to generate copyright-free images and illustrations for my blogs and websites. Two popular options I have used are BlueWillow and Leonardo. While both have their strengths and weaknesses, they offer unique features that make them valuable tools in their own right.

In this article, we will explore two of the most popular AI text-to-image creator tools: BlueWillow and Leonardo. Let’s dive in!

User Experience Comparison

When it comes to user experience, both BlueWillow and Leonardo offer unique features that can benefit content creators. BlueWillow is a free-to-use application that provides quick and easy access to generating images with text input. Their Discord server is also an excellent resource for troubleshooting and asking questions.

Personal Experience with BlueWillow

Have you ever lost a loved one, human or animal, and wished you had more pictures of them? That’s what happened to me when my pet turtle Oogway passed away. I had no pictures of him and was devastated. However, I discovered an AI text-to-image app called BlueWillow. It helped me generate life-like images of Oogway, providing me with the closure I needed.

I wrote an article about my experience with BlueWillow called “AI to my Redemption”. In it, I explain how the app works and its potential to change how we preserve our memories. If you’re interested in learning more and trying it out for yourself, please follow the link to my article.

Personal Experience with Leonardo

I am new to Leonardo and I am blown away by it! The interface is easy to use and well-organized. The customizable database is a key feature; it allows you to train the AI on specific images and styles that cater to your interests. The image quality is top-notch, making the final product look professional. The token system is another great feature; it resets every 24 hours, allowing you to keep exploring your creativity. Creating a personal database takes some time, but with so many images to choose from, it’s easy to find what you need. You can also add images directly to Canva for even more options.

Overall, Leonardo is highly recommended for those who value high-quality images and customization options.


One area where both BlueWillow and Leonardo fall short is the occasional generation of weird or out-of-context images. This can be attributed to the AI’s learning capabilities and the need for continuous updates and iterations on prompts to improve the output. In other words, AI is only as good as the data it is trained on, and if the data is insufficient or flawed, the output will be suboptimal.

However, it’s worth noting that both platforms have made significant strides in improving image quality and reducing the occurrence of strange images. This is evident in the increased accuracy and relevance of the images generated by these platforms.

Another potential shortcoming of BlueWillow and Leonardo is the potential for bias in their output. This can occur when the training data used to develop the AI models is biased, leading to biased output. For example, if the training data used to teach an AI model to recognize faces is predominantly white faces, the AI may struggle to recognize faces of other races or may generate biased output.

Collage of Images created by BlueWillow & Leonardo showing the Limitations of the applications.

Features Comparison

When it comes to image features, sharpness, and realistic appeal, Leonardo outshines BlueWillow in certain ways. This is likely due to the AI training application that allows the user to precondition the AI to their preferred sets, creating more personalized and appealing images.

Advantage BlueWillow

Freemium Service

BlueWillow offers the advantage of being a simple, no-frills application that can generate images quickly and easily. It’s also entirely free to use, making it a more accessible option for those on a budget.

BlueWillow Community of Prompt Creativity

Like any other discord community, BlueWillow also has servers where a group of people play with their prompt creativity. Here, you can see and get inspired by your peers and how they shape their prompts to generate impressive and appealing images, graphics, vectors, and illustrations.

Image of Discord Server of BlueWillow
BlueWillow Discord Server

BlueWillow Discord server platform fosters a sense of community and encourages healthy competition among peers, which can help us improve our crafts. Like any other Discord server, we can use it to make friends, receive validation, and generate feedback about our creative skills, allowing us to improve.

Advantage Leonardo

Pre-trained Models and Custom Data Sets

Leonardo stands out from competitors like BlueWillow and Midjourney when it comes to generating images from text using AI thanks to their custom data sets. Users have the option to use pre-trained and community-built databases, but the personalized training data set is the real game-changer. This feature allows users to train the AI on a vast range of images, styles, and illustrations based on their liking and usage, serving as a reference to generate the style of images from the text.

The personalized training data set is the most important feature of Leonardo, providing immense application in various fields. It allows users to generate highly personalized images that are tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s for marketing materials, product designs, or visual aids for presentations, the custom data set feature of Leonardo can be a game-changer, allowing users to generate highly personalized and relevant images by training the AI on their unique data set.

Clean User Interface

Another area where Leonardo stands out is in its user interface. The platform offers a clean and modern dashboard-like interface that is easy to navigate. Uploading your data sets and training the AI is fairly straightforward, and you can monitor the progress of your training through the dashboard. On the other hand, BlueWillow user interface may be a bit cluttered and overwhelming for some users, especially if you are new to the platform.

Image Quality and Realism

Both platforms create attractive images, graphics, vectors, and illustrations, but there are differences in image quality and realism. Leonardo produces higher quality images with better sharpness and realism compared to BlueWillow in certain aspects. This could be because of their AI training application which allows users to personalize the AI to their own sets of images, giving them more customized and attractive results.

Image Collage of images
Image Collage of

Limitless Potential

AI text-to-image creator tools like BlueWillow and Leonardo have huge potential for the future of content creation. With further AI development, content creators will be able to generate high-quality visuals quickly and easily. The field of content creation is already witnessing a boom. AI text-to-image creator tools are changing the game and will continue to shape the future of content creation for content creators, technocrats, and AI tool users alike.

Future of AI Text-to-Image Creator Tools

In 2015, AI brought about a major change in image captioning. Engineers developed machine learning models to detect objects and generate human-like statements as captions. This breakthrough paved the way for new ideas, such as using text to generate images, leading to the emergence of AI art.

AI text-to-image tools are becoming popular for creating visual art. They use machine learning to generate original works from user-provided data sets, inspired by history and culture. These tools are used in various industries like films, media, advertisements, businesses, and marketing. AI art has evolved to create breathtaking pieces, and they will continue to improve with advances in AI technology. AI text-to-image creator tools give anyone the ability to create professional-looking images for their website or social media, regardless of their artistic ability. They offer opportunities for artists to explore new perceptions and make something unique. While AI art will not replace human art, it is a promising tool for collaboration between human imagination and artificial intelligence.


Both BlueWillow and Leonardo offer valuable features for content creators. Although each platform has its strengths and weaknesses, the future of AI text-to-image creator tools looks bright due to continued innovation and improvement. If you’re looking for a powerful tool, Leonardo is an excellent choice, but it can be expensive. On the other hand, BlueWillow is more affordable but may not be as detailed.

Leonardo offers a custom data set feature, which is ideal for content creators who want more image control. BlueWillow’s freemium service and community-based validation provide accessible and supportive options for those on a budget.

Ultimately, the choice between these two platforms will depend on your specific needs and budget. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different text inputs and settings to achieve the best results. As AI technology advances rapidly, stay up-to-date with the latest tools and developments to unlock your creativity in exciting new ways.

So what are you waiting for? Give BlueWillow and Leonardo a try and see what amazing images you can create!

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Saugata Dastider

Professional engineer deeply interested in the most pressing geo-political, economic and technological issues .,